Technically, this was one of my string of crafty failures. Not because the craft itself was a failure, but because what I intended was a failure.

I think these turned out just beautiful, which is a good thing, but I also think they’re a little too beautiful for what I was going for. In one of the many fancy pants boutiques around the area, I came across a big bowlful of silk flowers. Normally I don’t like silk flowers at all, but these just looked stunning. I could tell the edges had been melted which caused the petals to curl in and gave the whole thing a more haphazard look, which almost came across organic. So I ran home to raid the stash and see what I could come up with to fill the many many empty bowls I have scattered throughout the house.
I happened to have a bunch of organza laying around from a series of failed projects, so I thought it would be perfect. But the flowers came out so pretty and romantic, and very shabby chic, that it could not have been more out of place in my streamlined modern home.
So off to the etsy shop they go.
Here’s what I did:
Cut four or five flower shapes out of an organza. I’m sure mine was some poly blend, since I got it all at JoAnns. You can see from this picture that I’m being generous by calling this a “flower shape” I could really just say cut four or five little blobby guys that have vague suggestions of petals.

Hold each petal over a lit candle. You don’t want to touch the flame, just let that hot air kiss the fabric. This takes a little bit of practice, but don’t worry about any messups, this is one project where sloppiness is only in your favor. The worst thing that could happen is that you’re petal looks extra curly and crunchy. Once you layer these, you’ll be amazed at how great it looks.

Layer the petals together. I usually put the extra crispy ones on top and the floppier ones on the bottom to really emphasize the curling in of those petals. Arrange them so the petals aren’t stacked neatly on top of each other, but kind of go all over the place.

Use a thread that matches the organza, and come up from the back of all but one layer. This way your knot will be hidden by the bottom most petal. Sew on a scattering of beads, making some loops of five or more beads to look like little stamens. When you’re finished, go back down through all but the last layer to tie off your thread.

Honestly, I’m a little surprised I could make something so girly and pretty. It figures that it could only happen by accident.
edited to add:
Wow, what a great response! Isn’t it funny, I never even considered these would be useful in a wedding, and that’s where they really seem to be attracting attention.
Brides, if you’re interested in these just drop me a line. I do take custom orders.
Anonymous asked if I had any tips on how to make the petals bend more naturally. A little practice here is really the best teacher, but I found that if I held the flower over the flame in a certain way, I could kind of encourage how the petal was going to curl. I basically just held it so that my thumb was in the middle of the petal, kind of bending it as I held it over the flame. It will always be a little unpredictable, but this at least makes sure that all the petals curl in or out in the same direction.
Desanera suggested doing a modern version with layered circles, and I think that sounds fantastic. In my head they end up looking like ranunclus.
DMB suggested adding a stem to make a bouquet out of them, and I think she’s a genius. I’m sure you could rig up something with some wire and floral tape, but I just might have to experiment with that for a while.
These are beautiful! I came here from whip up and I am now inspired to adapt these into hair clips for one of my costumes. Thanks for the inspiration!
I saw this post on Whipup too – pretty, pretty, pretty! Clean and chic – and something to use up my seed beads. Hair pieces are a good idea, Shannon; I'm going to embellish the Easter dress I'm making with them. Thank you!
You are a genius! I found this tutorial on Whip Up and I can't thank you enough for sharing this idea. I'll be making a few of these as pins to "Spring up" a few sweaters…Thanks again!!!
I also found this on whipup. These are beautiful. I bought a huge piece of organza in a sale some time ago and had been wondering what to do with it. These would look great to spice up clothing.
I just fall in love with them !! they are so airy and girly. Just found your blog via whip up :)I think that those flower could work well in the following dress !! you for the tutorial!
Whip up led me here too, I'm so glad it did! Beautiful! I'm always admiring these in the posh shops!! Thanks for the tutorial!
I also came here from whip up. I like your idea, the flowers look lovely and i'm looking forward to making them!Best wishes from Austria!
hi! new reader and now subscriber here from whip up as well. these are amazing – GREAT job!
These are GORGEOUS! I know someone who is looking for something just like this for her wedding-how perfect! I'll be linking.
Wonderful idea…also works with synthetic felt.Cut large and small petals, singe the edges and layer and stitch like a rose!
These flowers are so pretty! And they look like something even I could do, thanks to your great tutorial. (I came here from One Pretty Thing.) Great work! Thanks for sharing.
These are so gorgeous!!! Now I have to go read your profile and see how old you are because…wow, you have a gift.
Gorgeous flowers!!! I found your blog through One Pretty Thing. Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous!!! I will definitely have to try this. Found you from One Pretty Thing, and so glad I did. Thanks for sharing your talents and "mistakes." I wish MY "failed" experiments came out like yours!
You are so talented! I came over from One Pretty Thing and just love your romantic flowers…and everything else on your blog. I just scimmed through but there is sooo much to come back to. Your list of crafts to get finished sounds so much like mine…I'm probably 20 yrs. your senior and I'm still working on mine!
Very smart idea, Thank you so much for your sharing. I'm exactly looking for this pretty flower for my dress. Have tried yesterday, but the petal didn't bend as natural as yours. Any tips for that?
WOW! I wish I would have seen this tutorial before I started some of my wedding projects. Now I want to change all of my decor. Thanks for sharing.
Those are DREAMY!!!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing Blog:…
Beautiful! Can't wait to try! Just be sure to do the burning in a well-ventilated area. I know from experience that it doesn't smell very good!
Love these! I am going to make these for the mothers to wear instead of corsages for my wedding!
Hello,This is a great idea, beautiful and simple at the time. I'm off to make some right away.also I have just discovered your blog through this tutorial. Your story moved me to tears, thank you for such courage and grace. All the best to your gorgeous baby and your family.Kind regards from FranceLola
so beautilful… thanks for sharing!
If you wanted to do a version of these that was modern, cut a few circles, of slightly different size, and then do the same thing. I've seen them as flower pins on Etsy, and they are wonderfully modern, but still textured and interesting.
lovely!!what a great idea!dot
I'm thinking Christmas presents… or maybe birthdays.
I just had to stop and get organza tonight, and I made one that is perfect for a project that I am in the middle of right now. Thank you so much!
thank you! I've been struggling with rolled roses for so long and now with this melted edge technique they turned out perfect with poly chiffon last night.~Luci
I love these! I want to make them for my own wedding next month. Is there a way to attach a stem so I can make a bouquet?
I have been reading your blog for so long (without commenting, sorry), probably a year, watching atticus grow, and i was so excited this week to see you all over the craft/wedding blogs! I was so excited! these are soo pretty by the way…. 🙂
Gorgeous flowers!
I just bought 70 tine flowers like this! If only I had know before how easy these are to make!!!
Oh my goodness these are gorgeous! I'm going out tonight to buy some organza so that I can make some clips for my girls. Thanks!
Awesome, thanks. Found via Zakka Life.
These are so great! I ran out to a fabric store over the weekend to make my own. They didn't have that sweet pink color-so I went with ivory. Still very happy. I made smaller petal shapes to turn out more like a peony (my flowers). I think it looks great!!! I tried to credit your instructions.
very neat.when i read your article, i thought that the burning bit would be kind of scary but then i saw your picture and i can see that it can be done safely.yes, i love these feminine frolicky fantasies. they are lovely.
Thanks for sharing tutorial! =)
Do you think this might work with the hot tip of a hot glue gun instead of an open flame? I'm kind of scared of burning my fingers on a candle flame. Ouch! I just might try the glue gun if I can find some organza. Yours are BEAUTIFUL!Diane
I found your blog via The Feathered Nest and I love your beautiful flowers. I intended on beading today but now I have to go the the store for some fabric Plus I can use my beading skills for the center. This is inspirational! Tks…Sharon
It's 1:33 am and I just finished my taxes…was winding down and looking forward to sleep but now I may have to scavenge my house to find some organza! Love these flowers and love your generosity in sharing your talent. (Found you via The Feathered Nest) Best of everything, Tara
Wow — these are awesome. I am totally going to try these tomorrow night (after I go buy some organza). Thanks so so much!
Wow these flowers are gorgeous!i love the simple beading idea you came up with for the center- it was brilliant! these flowers can be used for all sorts of purposes such as decoration, headbands, pins etc!
Amazing and chic! I am definitely thinking of doing these – I wonder if it will work with silk/cotton?
Hi Tresa, I just wanted to let you know that I featured a link to your tutorial in an article for Kentucky Derby hats. You can see it here: <a href="… />Thanks for creating this tutorial. The flowers are simply gorgeous!
Thanks for the great tutorial! I love your silk flowers!
Beautiful. Thanks!
Hi, I love these flowers and they are so simple too. I am going to make a silk hat and was searching for how to make silk flowers to embellish it with. These are great!
Love these! Found your blog while searching for tutorials on making paper flowers. Went and got some organza and made pale pink and ivory ones with silver beads…added stems and a vase for my friend's bridal shower….I think she will love them!
These flowers are so beautiful. Thanks for creating this tutorial and sharing your talent! Great work! 🙂
Amazing! I'm making a peach-themed outfit for Anime Expo and wanted some flower hair clips that look like peach blossoms. These will be PERFECT! Thank you so much!
wow that's really cool! thx for sharing ;D
Hi there, How beautiful, a lovely idea. I have been trying to think of various things to make using Organza, a shop in our town sells boxes of off-cuts / end of roll organza, I love making things with my grand daughter – and this will be ideal !. Thank you SO much for sharing this – you've also given me some inspiration to adapt this idea to other things too !.
As soon as I read this I had to try and make these beautiful flowers. They turned out GREAT and was so very easy to do! My daughter and I added them to the window treatment in the babies room. Thanks for being so clever. I can't wait to make more!
I made some of these in green today. Thank you so much for the tutorial!!
I have seen these on Etsy and was tempted to buy one just to figure out how the edges were 'finished.' Thank you SOO much for your tutorial! I know EXACTLY what to do now 🙂
This is so awesome! I've always wondered how they made those edges look like that. Great tutorial, clear and easy. Thanks for sharing 🙂
These are beautiful!
I saw these and gave them a try with navy and black organza. They turned out BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to purchase more colors and start making lots of them. I'm going to make pins and start giving them as gifts to all my girlfriends!
Wow. Just, wow. I've been trying to find the right technique to get the look I want for the corsages I'm making for my 'non-traditional bridesmaids.' These look amazing AND satisfy my inner pyro at the same time – excellent! Thanks so much for the post.
absolutely beautiful! thank you very much for sharing.
Just quick questions…..1) Can you use the Nylon Organza or does it have to be silk?2) Where is your etsy store?AWESOME job!!!! I adore the beaded centers
Great! Thanks for the tute!I made my first flower and it turn out pretty nice. Melting the fabric over a candle has something calming to me – breathe in, breathe out and have a flower! :-)Greetings from germany,Tanja:-)
So lovely! Thank you for sharing!!
These are awesome!! I love accidental cuteness!!
First tutorial I found with my "How to make organza flowers" search, and I'm now going to go downstairs and raid my organza stash! :)Thanks so much for sharing this!Jewels
My mum sent me this link about the organza flowers, she made some for a wedding recently… She thought they would make a great addition to the flower hairclips I make, and I must say I am excited to give them a go… off organza shopping I go 🙂
So I met this lady in JoAnn's as we sat in line for 1 1/2 hours buying fabric. Great sale, but what a crazy wait! She mentioned these Organza flowers and told me where to find them! Love these…how fun! I'm definitely going to try them! Good luck to my friend that waited in line with me…hope you got home and made some!
WOW!!!Thank you sew much for this tutorial!!These are gorgeous and YOU are so generous to share!!!
Thank you admin good.
These are awesome!! I love accidental cuteness!!
Beautiful!Thank you.
absolutely wonderful..i love your blog and added it to mine..
thankyou for your tutorial; I loved your flowers and have added your blog to my most recent post; thanks for sharing.
This is a wonderful, clear, simple tutorial…I really appreciated your candle idea for the petal singe-ing. Before I kept wondering what would work…"A lighter? a match?" but the candle worked beautifully. Thanks a million for taking the time to post this; it's an excellent, versatile craft! I made a lovely bronzy flower for my hair today!
Beautiful! Lovely tutorial, all the nice hints/suggestions are greatly appreciated! I want to incorporate some of these little beauties into my spinning :-)~Vicki
I stumbled across your Organza Flowers completely by accident looking for a simple but elegant DIY centerpiece addition. I'm glad I stumbled….these are beautiful. The colors you show completed are the colors of my wedding, which helped visualize the end results. I think they will look great in the vases filled with cracked ice crystals and submersible floralytes. My daughter is going to have a blast with this project!! I hope attaching stems to these are just as easy. Any suggestions on that….I'm all ears. I can't wait to get started.
Thank you for a fantastic tutorial. I made these into corsages to give out on Valentine's Day. They were a big hit. I linked back to you from my blog.'m going to search out some more muted tones to make some for myself next.Thanks again for a fantastic tutorial and idea!
Wow!!! These are absolutely beautiful and so easy to make!! Thanks for sharing, I will put a link to your blog on mine.Astrid
hi 🙂 These are beautiful.
Do you sell these beautiful organza flowers?
Hi there just wanted to say I have tried these and they worked out beautifully, they are my new favourite thing to make….
I can't believe how lucky I feel to have found this!! I was planning to try some DIY flowers for my flower girls' headbands and everything I saw was so puffy a and bulky…and these are light and floaty and kind of floppy which…how cute for a 3 year old and a couple 7 year olds:) I think that I am going to do a little cluster of pearl beads for the center of mine. Thank you!
Thank you admin
These are great. I'm looking for great DIY ideas for wedding decor and these fit perfectly! I love that they are so easy and look so impressive.
heya! these are lovely, I made some back in February but mine are a lot more grungey, it's great that it is a really versatile look depending on how you work. Go look at my blog and you will see that yours are still "prettier" 🙂
I posted a link to your tute on my blog. Here it is if you would like to see my finished projects
Hello-Both the flowers and your blog are wonderful. I am graduating with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy this May, and your inspiring story and gorgeous little boy only confirm to me that I have truly chosen a rewarding and fulfilling career!!A question about the flowers:I have some SILK organza from the bottom of my wedding gown (that was cut off at a fitting) and am interested in making a flower to attach to a tulle band veil, the kind that sweeps across my eyes and upper nose. Will this process work with silk, or will I risk ruining the fine fabric with the heat (I assume the polyester has something to do with how well the edges respond to the flame)?Thanks a lot, I appreciate any advice.
HI Thanks for the tutorial! I recently used this for one of my headbands and it turned out beautiful! :)Here's the link if you want to see!
"Technically, this was one of my string of crafty failures. Not because the craft itself was a failure, but because what I intended was a failure."That's called a DESIGN OPPORTUNITY! LOL
Me encantó tu tutorial, hice mi primer flor de organza te invitó a verla :D
i will totally agree this site was always best to
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!
Thank you very much for this idea!C'est vraiment très ingénieux, j'espère pouvoir tester moi même 🙂
I like how you did..very simple and creative. Im gonna find some organza in the house to start my organza flowers. Thanks for the tutorial
thanks so much for this. i've been cracking my egg-head thinking of ways to pretty up my wedding chairs. this is brilliant for budget brides!!
THEY ARE VERY HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH!! Please be careful when trying to make them. I've been making and selling them for a couple of years and have a ton of medical bill now because of it, even with using proper ventilation, gas masks, being outside and using fans… 🙁
Oh these are gorgeous…I didn't know how to make them for one of my books…thank you!!! I hope I don't burn the house down…lolHugs,Cindy
thanks by admin perfect blog
Your flowers was such an inspiration to me, I made containers and pasted flowers on them. I got the trick to it and made flowers for my curtains! Wow you so creative!! Thank you
Thank you very much for the instructions. I was looking for ideas to decorate the top tier of a cup cake tree for my friend's wedding. After reading this post, I set off to make over a dozen of them. They turned out wonderful. A WORD OF CAUTION for those not familiar with crafting, I being one: Wear a good protective mask and do this in well-ventilated area. Melting polyester seem to produce toxic fumes and I ended up with a significant allergic reaction that lead to a swollen face for two days. (after making petals for 5+ hours). Still, I would certainly go for the extra protectioin to be able to make these beautiful flower again.
Adorable. Very pretty and beautiful organza flowers I liked that.
hi you have saved my life, after starting yet another project, this time wedding hats, i could not find affordable and beautiful flowers, now i am making my own using your tutorial! Now if i can just stop my 5 month old and my dog from chewing the organza, it should be fine! thanks again x kate
Ho – ley – crap! This is such a simple idea, but A-MA-ZING!!! I'm going to make black flowers for a Halloween-style wreath!
Will this work with silk organza and not a polyblend? I have some extra fabric that I am thinking of trying this with but I'm skurred to wreck it.
I'm totally making these for myself and my bridesmaids!!! THANKS 🙂
This is such a great flower and tutorial. I've featured and linked to it in a Flower Roundup on my blog:…
Hi, these flowers are just gorgeous… I hope you dont mind I placed within one of my blogposts a like to this tutorial…I'm fairly new to the blogging experience/world so if you get a chance please pop over and say hi…thequickunpick.blogspot.comCheers 🙂
Artificial silk flowers are a great way to brighten up any home or office and look so real these days that it is difficult to tell them apart from the real thing. With new ranges that include “Real Touch” the artificial flowers even feel like their organic counterparts.Many brides are choosing artificial flowers for their wedding bouquet as it offers a cost effective way to provide a stunning display of flowers that are always at their best. Wedding guest also appreciate artificial flower button holes and corsages as they do not leave marks on clothing.At Withycombe Fair we offer great value silk flowers and artificial flowers and sell in lower quantities than many wholesale organisations.Our range of artificial flowers include:Silk FlowersArtificial FlowersArtificial Wild FlowersArtificial and Silk RosesArtificial Lilies and OrchidsArtificial Hydrangeas and PeoniesArtificial Bunches and Hand-Tied BouquetsArtificial Flower GarlandsArtificial Wedding FlowersArtificial Christmas FlowersArtificial flowers and silk flowers.
The flowers seems inviting. They really look like they were meant to done like that. Good job! That was one of the most beautiful silk flowers I’ve ever seen.
What a cute flower is that? I like it. Thanks for sharing this one but can you add more information about this. Just quite interested. keep posting!toni
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful tutorial! I used it to make a flower for my mask, for a formal masquerade. Thank you so much! Here is a link to the mask if you are interested.
I was looking for a way to make organza flowers, and I LOVE the ones you made! I never thought of melting the edges, how beautiful!
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site is very nice
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You are so talented! I came over from One Pretty Thing and just love your romantic flowers…and everything else on your blog. I just scimmed through but there is sooo much to come back to. Your list of crafts to get finished sounds so much like mine…I'm probably 20 yrs. your senior and I'm still working on mine!
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wow! the flowers turn so wonderful.. i wannna make my own right away.. so pretty.. thanks..
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thanks for sharing method of making such beautiful artificial flowers wholesale flowers
awesome! love it!
i think these are beautiful. Great job!!! I am inspired to try my own :-)..just in casei dont have the time i am wondering how much you would charge for each one if you were to do more?
I think they look like paeony. Very nice
Another how-to I'll be storing away in prep for my wedding. The flowers are gorgeous and the tutorial is fab, so simple and easy to follow 🙂 Thank you xx
wow! I am thinking- decorate the top of my newly made dress Burda12/2011 102 with these!!!!
Oh! Simply beautiful!! Yes, the fabric you use has to be 100% poly, otherwise it wouldn't melt. LOVE IT!!!
Thank you, Nadya!Sent from my iPhone
These were very useful for me because in my country it is very expensive buying flowers. i would love to know ho to make leaves, roses and other artificial flowers as well as bouquets with center pieces using house hold tools as they are extremely expensive to get in Nigeria. I would really appreciate a response. Thanks a lot.
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HELP! Bit confused as to how the bottom layer sticks on.. you said to sew through all but the bottom layer? So the knot is hidden? If you don't sew through the bottom layer how is it joined to the rest? Sorry- new to all this and a little confused :s
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Its so innovative and new for me…. i love it… So simple and pretty at the same time.
I made a bunch of flowers with organza & tulle. I like that the ends shed if you don't burn the edges,however I don't want them to shed too much. Is there something, maybe starch, that I can spray on them to keep them from shedding too much?
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wow its SOOO NICE! seriously I could give one of this flowers to my girlfriend for her birthday!
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I would live to make some or purchase some for a friend if mine’s wedding. She loves to wear plastic ones in her hair and I’d love to find a big pretty white one like yours for her wedding day.
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love the new designs of your organza flowers!
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You are so talented I came over from One Pretty Thing and just love your romantic flowers and everything else on your blog.
You are a genius! I found this tutorial on Whip Up and I can't thank you enough for sharing this idea.
Wow!!! what a great idea , it's can be a perfect gift for birthday, i will do it my self 🙂
thx for sharing this
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Nice article, Gorgeous flowers!
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Fantastic! Whenever I tried to make artificial flowers I failed every time…Now it seems like I can do it…!
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Thanks for sharing this tutorial, very nice I'm going to try this too!
This is the best thing for the decoration of a wedding and I would love to have this decoration at my wedding. Flowers are a part of decoration and there is no doubt in it that everything is incomplete without it.
wow..Amazing post
Great post admin thanks for sharing.
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