I always do this to myself. I always overextend myself with the best of intentions, I make myself crazy trying to meet some arbitrary goal I set for myself, I complete it, stand back with pride only to realize that I have let everything else in my life disintegrate around me. And then I swear I’ll never let myself get so out of balance again. Until the next great cause comes along.
I am suffering under a to do list that is just shameful (you know it’s bad when you have to write “Bath the cat, and the baby” on a to do list), I have unfinished projects in every room, and my house is just icky. Bear and I had a weekend long baking fest to contribute more good stuff to the auction and so I now have strawberry sauce dripping down every cabinet and walking across the floor is like walking through molasses. Plus the unfinished projects aren’t even satisfying unfinished projects. They’re just work. I really need to get inspired again and come up with something good to talk about around here.
In the meantime, I’m trying to not let my pendulum swing too far in the other direction. Typically my reaction to throwing myself out of balance would be to through myself headlong the opposite direction, scrubbing the house on my hands and knees and staying up too late to finish the neverending list. But I’m not going to this time. The cat will still be dirty tomorrow. And I’m trying to let that be OK.
Today I’m going to lunch with some girlfriends and then I’m going to sit in the sun with some needlework and a Coke and look at all my gorgeous blooming Ranunculus.
Thanks for your post- while I hate hearing that your to do list is too long, I love hearing about other peoples lives: how they fit in time to do projects, get caught up in a whirlwind revolving around one thing and let dishes go undone, and how things and to-dos pile up. There is something wierdly satisfying about knowing I am not the only one to whom this happens! (and to be honest, I would also leave the dishes a little longer to sit in the sun with a project!)
… and try to NOT start grooming your garden.(That's what I always do, anyway, plan to sit out in the sun and relax and pretty soon I have my clippers in hand and I am pruning this or that. It's an addiction, I tell you!)
Why do you bathe your cat? I thought cats were self cleaning 🙂