2009 Year of Pleasures #20

*we’re trudging along over here, trying to deal. I can’t tell you all how much your support means to me. Especially how seriously you all take it. Sometimes people who aren’t pet lovers just think this kind of reaction is silly, but you all get me. I love you guys.*

For years and years my spice cabinet has been my secret source of shame. I am a hyper organized person. I own a PTouch labelmaker and I’ve had to buy refills. I can not only find the instruction manual for any appliance in the house in ten seconds flat, but I can tell someone else how to find it in fifteen. My idea of a spa retreat is some quality time inside a Staples. If I need a black rubon in a specific font, I can send Bear in my studio to get it for me and he’ll actually come out with it. I’m organized.

But if you cook like I do, spice cabinets are the doctrinal thesis of organization. Not only are there a zillion different bottles, each in different sizes and not easily stackable, but there are also the spices that come in pouches or plastic bags, or the ones I dry from my garden, or random things like bouillon cubes that don’t really go anywhere else. And usually the only convenient place to put them in a kitchen is in that one wonky shaped cabinet above the microwave, frequently also housing vent pipes and electrical cords.

After one too many times opening that cabinet only to have everything fall down on my head, I went on a mad search and I have to say I was really disappointed with the options. Even my beloved Container Store didn’t have the perfect solution. Everyone’s just selling some kind of a caddy that holds 16 spices at best, and they frequently come with the spices included. Bleck.

This little beauty came from Target online and if it was 1″ smaller in width it would have been absolute perfection. It fits the existing bottles, no pouring the store bottles into the ones that fit the caddy, and it uses space brilliantly. Each little tray slides out and down so you can see what you’re dealing with. After a little consolidation and creativity I was able to fit all my spices, seeds, and random baking items inside so now I just have a row of bouillon and salt and pepper next to this neat little box. It wouldn’t fit in my wonky cabinet, but it was just too close to perfect to let go of, so this is now in a cabinet with the dishes. I’ll just have to content myself with that, knowing that I’ll never again have a black eye from a bottle of falling peppercorns.

5 thoughts on “2009 Year of Pleasures #20

  1. From Krystynanothing wrong with being organized – it just makes the life of many people much easer – – I love being organized and able to put everything into boxes and containers – ha, ah – I love your blog.

  2. I love that you label everything. I actually got a label maker for Christmas and have been working on doing just that. It makes figuring out which cord goes to what camera or device SO much less frustrating!more power to the label lovers! =) I wish i was more organized… one day! one day!

  3. I am SO getting one of these! I'm getting bonked on the head all the time by my spice cabinet residents! And it's right where you said – above my microwave. I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. We have ours going on 10 years now – before any kiddos came along – and I dread the day he leaves our family. It sounds like your guy was a real sweetheart and gave your family all his love. Hang in there.

  4. oh my…can you tell me where you got your pepper grinder?!?! my kitchen in martha stewart blue and that would fit perfectly in my kitchen!!!

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