As I’ve thoroughly documented, I’m kind of obsessed with my garden. I forced myself to take a bit of a bloggy break from it though because I was getting a little single minded. It’s only one part of my homemaking efforts, so I needed to bring a little balance to the blog and to my life, but I’m starting to see some new developments so I thought it was a good time to go back outside.

The poppies are blooming! The poppies are blooming!
These little plants are so ridiculously hardy they’re almost more like a weed. All I did was toss a pack of seeds on the ground and I’m being taken over. They’ve choked out my anemones, they infiltrated the vegetable garden, they’ve grown over two feet tall in places, and this is after I thinned them out so aggressively I filled an entire landscaping garbage can. If you have a spot where nothing will grow and you need something that will take up some space, might I suggest some poppies?

My little vegetable garden is doing great. For some reason two of my melon plants keep trying to die while the third is going gangbusters, and my new strawberry plants went through some transplant shock and had to have all it’s existing growth die out before sending out some new leaves.

I planted my tomato seedlings the recommended 4 inches apart, and that was not enough. I now have one big tomato bush. But it doesn’t seem to be slowing it down much.

I had a bit of trouble starting my seedlings this year, so even after I learned a lesson with the poppies, I ended up just tossing lettuce seeds on the ground and I can’t really remember what went where. I know I had at least two different kinds of lettuce and arugula, but I can’t remember what a third seed was. Did I plant spinach? Or was that just in the failed seedlings? Was there a third lettuce here? I honestly have no clue. I’ll be sure and plant more carefully when it’s time to reseed in the fall, but for now I’ll have a whole bunch of wonderful mixed green salads.

I planted these beans on a whim. I hope they’re green beans. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

My green pepper plant is busily making little baby green peppers.

The oldest strawberry plant is showing off those beautiful tell-tale flowers.

And my little pea plants are making honest to goodness peas! I mean, of course they are, but still, actually seeing something I recognize as food, that I grew my own self? It’s just thrilling.
What an awesome garden! This is my first year ever trying to grow…well anything. I live in an apartment so I'm restricted to a container garden, but I have 2 tomato plants and one of them already has a a big ol green tomato on it! It really is exciting seeing food grown by oneself isn't it?!
It has been such a pleasure to read you blog entries lately. It reminds me of when Sarah was Atti's age (15 years ago!) and I had my first garden and was just loving being a MOM. Every post just takes me back. I can't even begin to express how joyful I am for you and Bear that you were able to also overcome that evil nemesis endometriosis and have that precious baby boy.
Wow, you have a great garden! We just started our and are trying out things for the first time. We have a squash growing and a ton of tiny little bell peppers like yours. I'm very excited to see how everything goes!
My only problem with the poppies is the snails keep eating the flowers, any suggestions for that besides snail poison (kids)?
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Nice Post