My garden is in shambles right now. The ranunclus have all died back, the blooms on the hydrangeas have browned, and the glorious poppy tangle is pretty much over.
But I’m still getting the occasional bright red splash, and you can bet money that if there’s a poppy open, there’s going to be a little bee right near by. When the poppies were at their most lush, there were so many bees it looked like flies on something rotten. I think if I ever succeed in getting my little farm with some of my own honeybees, I’m definitely going to need some poppy fields to keep the little guys busy.
what a beautiful photo! kisses from Ibiza
Wow, such a beautiful red. It's a gorgeous color. I have a black thumb for gardening…I kill everything within a month. Except bamboo.
Anyone noticed that there are less and less posts here…. methinks Atti is demanding more time now he can sit and I wonder if he's moving enough to occupy mum! I hope so. I love your posts but am hoping that you and Atti are enjoying the summer instead of posting.