It’s Maria Bamford!
As I’ve mentioned, I am a great big comedy nerd. And one of my most favorite comedians is Maria Bamford. Bear and I met her at MaxFunCon and got to eat lunch with her, and it was just unreal how friendly and open and engaging she was. She was absolutely the highlight of the weekend for me.
As we were all leaving I snagged her for a picture and I started debating with myself whether or not I should push a business card on her with this blog’s address on it. But while I was trying to decide if it would be a friendly or annoying thing to do, she asked for it. I was totally blown away. You never expect the people you admire to be interested in you, but she was. She was just the best.
If you aren’t a fan of Maria’s yet, do yourself a favor. Go to YouTube and prepare for the laughs. Here are some of my favorites:
A couple instances of PG-13 language in this one:
Swearing’s a little more frequent in this one, but it’s not like it’s Deadwood. And it’s totally worth it for anyone who struggles with…..anything.
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