I bring you another entry in my series of screw ups, proving that I am fumbling my way towards crafty success.

I started a new herb garden – in pots this time so it can travel with me – and painted the ceramic pots with a high gloss latex. I’ve done it before and it worked just fine, but this time….bubbles.
I specifically asked the paint guy if I could use high gloss paint as exterior paint and he said yes. I spent a whole day and made a big fat mess painting ten of these pots, and then their first night in use…bubbles.
Beats the heck out of me.
You know- it's okay, they will get weathered anyways. Maybe you can sand them a bit to rough them up? Don't be so hard on yourself.
i think it's kinda cool, really.
Terracotta pots absorb water so if you want to paint the outside and have it stay you have to paint the inside too. The bubbling comes from water soaking through the pot. I only know this from doing craft projects with small children…
It looks kind of cool though. Maybe pick off the bubble and take another color of paint and make circles on those spots. Happy accidents always make for interesting design opportunities.
Perhaps you just need to prime it first? At least you tried! I'm usually too intimidated to even try things that might be a lot of work or make a mess! I think I saw some cute pots with chalkboard paint shapes on the sides for labeling what's in them, kind of a cute idea too.
I think it's cool too. Hardly a fail, just a surprise.