I just got a great big box of craft supplies delivered to my door!
Long term readers may remember that this time every year I make the Christmas cards I’ll be sending out in December. It may be the smartest thing I ever came up with. All the supplies are on sale, I’ve got a little more time on my hands, and then it’s one less thing to do in the madness of Christmastime. I just pack them away, pull them out with the Christmas decorations, stick in a picture, and pop them in the mail.
The only trick is that I have to estimate how many cards I’ll need in December and how many new people will come into my life between now and then. Last time I estimated low, so this year I’ll be making 130 cards.
Finding that much paper in one place is a bit ridiculous, but I’ve found some great deals by going directly to the paper manufacturers website. My favorite, and the site this paper came from, is SEI. I got this paper, gorgeous flocked paper, for 75% off. And plenty of it.
Now I just have to decide how to use it. My favorite kind of dilemma.
hmmm, maybe I could use this trick for this year's cards 🙂
brilliant! 🙂 I am going to get on it as well!
You my dear have exquisite taste…not that you didn't know that, but it lead me to place a substantial paper order myself…you need to get them on as a sponsor 🙂