Remember those pushpins I got a couple weeks ago, just because they were cheap and I loved them? Since I’m such a clutter-phobe, I had to come up with a place to use them, so I made myself a corkboard and cleaned up my desk in the process.
Like every mom everywhere, my schedule is ridiculous, and the OCD makes staying on top of things a must. Not that I always succeed, so maybe I should say, the illusion of staying on top of things is a must. To create that illusion, I have calendars and lists and notes strewn throughout the entire house, wherever I am liable to spend much time. But then this creates a clutter that sets off the OCD too, so those two impulses are always fighting it out in my head. Here’s my solution: A pretty little framed calendar, with room for a corkboard to keep all the bits and pieces neatly organized and out of my way.

I have a few frames on hand that I’ve picked up at thrift stores, so I grabbed one that was 11 x 14. This fits a small desk calendar (8 1/2 x 11) with a few inches to spare for the corkboard. My best pal spray paint made the frame look all nice and new.

Using the cardboard backing that came with the frame, measure how much cork you’ll need after the calendar’s in place, and cut two pices of cork to the right size. Spray with a spray adhesive.

Stick the cork right onto the cardboard that came with the frame, lining it up at the edges, one piece on top of another. This will make it thick enough to use with pushpins.

Since I plan on using this longer than just a few months, you need the calendar to be installed temporarily so you can swap it out for a 2012 one. I just used some of my scrapbooking tape squares to hold it in place.

I didn’t think the seam of the cork and the calendar was very pleasant to look at, plus I wanted a little more pretty in this project, so I decided to make the calendar a belt. Cut a piece of fabric about 13″ x 5″, fold right sides together and sew into a long tube. Turn the tube right side out and iron with the seam at the back.

Wrap the fabric belt around the calendar and staple in place, close enough to the edge that the staples can be hidden by the frame. Put your frame back together, and hang up your calendar!

This calendar will go right next to my computer where I do all my writing, so I put up some inspirational phrases from Bird by Bird, my favorite book on writing ever. I made sure to use my cute new pushpins, and a cute charm I had on hand, along with a postcard sent by a friend.

Now I can have my OCD cake and eat it too. Calendars and notes and favorite quotes, and a nice clean desk. I feel so much better all ready.