I totally raided the unfinished wood section of my craft store for this tree. Wood just seemed like such an appropriate medium this time around. What I found was perfect for changing up the shapes and textures of the ornaments, and letting me break things up enough to keep everything looking special. This ornament is cheap, easy, and super fast.

I bought a couple of bags of different sizes of wooden stars, painted them copper, and then busted out my drill with a teeny little drill bit. For starters, I drilled a hole right through the top point of the biggest star I planned on using to make room for something to hang this up from when it was finished.

I laid three stars out on the table and arranged them in a grouping I liked, then marked the points that would connect those stars. Use a drill bit the same size as the wire you’ll be using to make holes to fit. Drill carefully, you don’t want to break through to the other side.

Cut a few pieces of wire to the proper length to connect the stars together as you arranged them, then glue them in place with whatever good glue you have on hand.
I made these ornaments up in half an hour as I was working on other projects, and I nearly chucked them out halfway through because I thought it was turning out so simplistic. But sometimes those are the ornaments that look the best on the tree. I’m glad I finished them, because I love the variety they bring.