
I had been doing so so good at Project Put Together. Gradual exercise every morning. Better eating, better dressing, better self care all the way around. And then the holidays hit.

Between the stress of the holidays, the stress of our more than usually chaotic lives, and all the traveling, my months of Coca Cola sobriety got thrown out the window. I can drink water now, but it has to be filtered and it has to be ice cold. Which is hard to command when you’re a house guest.

I also tend to approach my Coke drinking like I imagine many people approach a beer or glass of wine. At the end of a long day it is so refreshing to unwind and recharge with a nice cold Coke.

My scale tells me that despite all my efforts, I have not lost an ounce. Yet people who know me in person have been telling me that I look like I’ve lost weight. I think it’s probably just that I’ve lost a carbonated puffiness from giving up my Coke habit and all the sugar that went with it. It’s time to straighten up and be strict with myself before the bloat comes back.