When I was a kid, chocolate pudding was our greatest treat. It’s not like it’s so exotic, so I don’t know why we got so caught up in it, but pudding was the holy grail to us. Now that I’m grown with grown up tastes, I don’t eat it very often. Except for when I’m sick. Whether I have a sore throat or a sick stomach, chocolate pudding is the thing that soothes me. Since I am all about making traditions this year, I wanted to take the familiar chocolate pudding that makes me feel better, and find a way to make it special. I always love when food looks cute, so I thought that turning a bowl full of pudding into a mud puddle for some cute piggies would be adorable.

There are a whole bunch of things you can use to form your pigs. Sugar in all it’s formats can be sculpted with, so you can use fondant, or marzipan, or modeling chocolate, or, if you don’t feel like going to the cake supply store, you can do what I did and use salt water taffy. These little pigs are so simple that it’s not like it takes sculpting skills. You just have to be able to roll up a few balls. I used two pieces of taffy for each pig. One piece makes up the body, and 2/3rds of the other piece makes up the head. Roll each piece in your hands to warm it up and you can shape it into a ball. It gets sticky as you warm it up, so then you can just stick the pieces to each other and it will stay there as it cools back down.

Take a chunk of the taffy you have left and roll it into another ball for the nose. If you stick it to the face by pressing it flat with your finger, you’ll get more of a piggy shape.

Two little balls for the ears. Just place them towards the back of the head and give the tops a little bit of a pinch.

Then you just need a tail. I rolled a long skinny piece and then coiled it around itself. Just stick it on the bum. Poke a couple of holes for eyes and your piggy is done. You can make more balls for legs if you want to, but I just used another ball of taffy to prop it up high enough to stand up in the mud.

For the fence, I used stick pretzels and more taffy. Just five seconds in the microwave will melt the taffy enough to use it like white glue. A little dab on each side of half a pretzel piece is all it took to hold my fence together.

After I took all the pictures I needed I gave this to Atti and he grabbed one of the pigs and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, and then he scooped up the pudding while he sang “Old McDonald.” It was a huge hit, but I think this would bring a smile to any sick person. Both because the pigs rolling around in mud are adorable, and because the little bit of extra effort it requires shows how much the patient is cared for. It’s soothing for the body and for the spirit.
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Want a chance to win a $100 CVS giftcard? Just comment and let me know, “What activity makes your child smile when they are under the weather?“
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Now that they are teenagers, usually they just want to be left alone, but when they are feeling under the weather a milkshake (as long as it's not a stomach or mucus issue) usually does the trick! Hot tea and homemade sweet tea also help.
They love coloring or watching cartoons. .
They like to be tucked up on the couch under the special 'sick blankie' and read to. Or they read, but I must sit on the couch with them!!
When we were sick we got to have grape Tang and watch the game shows with Mom!
The pigs are adorable! Sick time means blankets, stuffed animals, and a lot of cuddes.
Orange sherbet. It made me feel better as a 7 year old, and you know what- it still works now and I am in my thirties!
My son loves playing with his LEGOs.
Doing any craft projects at home, and television, always makes them feel better.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Watching his favorite cartoons
tv movies, good soup
My kids like to play games or watch movies together.
Thanks so much.
My daughter loves to watch The Parent Trap in her room over and over again when she feels crummy. She knows the words by heart.
My kids like playing games on the computer when they don't feel well.
watching movies and playing with his ipod
My kids always enjoyed playing with their Nintendo when they were sick.
Playing games, her fave is Candyland
My little one loves when I read him a book & even when he's under the weather it still brings him lots of joy
teechbiz at gmail dot com
Getting comfy and snuggling on the couch while watching their favorite tv shows 🙂
Watching Dora makes my son smile. I am watching him now, as he is recovering from open heart surgery.
My toddler only wants snuggles, watching Caillou & popsicles.
like to play with clay
renting lot sof movies
Thanks! Janna JOhnson jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on gfc
Bunny Rummy was always something my daughter wanted to play when she was little
My boys like to watch tv, dvds and play with their legos. Also they like lots of cold drinks with straws
they enjoy singing kookabura.
When I act silly by dancing around or singing
Snuggling on the couch with blankets and pillow and watching a movie.
While they were really little, the main thing they wanted when they were sick was just to be cuddled–maybe watching a few cartoons.
they like to snuggle up with a pile of Dr Seuss books
they like to play games and watch movies
A brand new coloring book and crayons is always a favorite.
watching movies!
my kids love to listen to my ipod
My daughter likes to watch the Wizard of oz when she is sick.
arts & crafts
Congratulations! You've won! Blogher will be in touch shortly!
My kids love to snuggle up and watch movies.
We like to watch movies!
Being read to from favorite books.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
A warm bath & Hot Chicken Noodle Soup. kari_944(at)yahoo(dot)com
My daughter loves working on art projects.
aleksnearing gmail com
laying on the couch with the afghan and watching cartoons
My little guy likes snuggling under his favorite blanket and watching movies when he's sick.
What a cute treat! We love to color in our coloring books 🙂
She likes to watch a movie
My son enjoys doing puzzles and watching his favorite movies.
Watching pokemon or drawing anime!
Watchinin my bedg children's tv
watching tv in my bed
My daughter likes writing and illustrating stories.
I would make a "nest" on the sofa and watch our favorite movies. Thanks for the giveaway.
Toast. Helps you feel better!