Whenever Atti or I go to the dentist, or when he’s had a particularly challenging day at therapy, or basically just whenever I feel like we’ve earned a little reward, we go to the drive in and get milkshakes. Atti calls these his “special drinks” and other than cheerios they are the only thing I’ve never seen him turn down. He loves these so much I think he’s be willing to make himself sick to get one. But milkshakes aren’t exactly great for sick kids. All the sugar, all the dairy, plus they’re not really offering him a ton of anything to help him get better. So I decided to make a version perfect for sick days that was light on the bad stuff, and loaded with fresh fruit and juice to cram him full of Vitamin C. This special drink will get him feeling better in no time.
Fresh Orange Creamy Slush
1 can pineapple chunks, drained
2 clementine oranges, peeled
1/3 C milk
1 C fresh orange juice
8 ice cubes 1 T sugar (optional)
Toss everything in a blender and whir until smooth. Makes about 16 oz.

Atti drank his glass, his dad’s glass, and I had to fight him off of my glass too. The next time I need to keep him hydrated and he turns his nose up at everything else, I think that this icy treat will be the medicine we both need.
My friends at Mucinex asked me to come up with a sick day treat, and now they have a couple of treats for you. Mucinex is offering a $2 off coupon so you can try it for yourself. Just click the link and you can start saving. But if you leave a comment you might get to save a whole lot more with a $100 gift card to CVS! You get another chance to win the big sweepstakes, so leave a comment and let me know what is your favorite treat when you are feeling under the weather for your chance at the prize!
i like 7up when i feeling sick
I like warm oatmeal with cinnamon!
When my son used to get sick, it is ginger ale and crackers w/peanut butter. I remember my Grandma giving me room-temp flat ginger ale. Ginger helped settle my stomach without adding bubbles.
My favorite when I'm feeling congested or have a cold or cough is hot and sour soup from a Chinese restaurant. The spiciness cuts through the weird taste in my dry mouth that medication always gives me, the peppers and ginger perk me up and gets things moving, and the soup fills my tummy but isn't heavy and dense.
My favorite is warm milk and sometimes i will replace it with a cappicino if it is not a stomach illness.
I like hot chocolate with nutmeg, so comforting.
Ginger tea with honey! It soothes the throat and the stomach and helps clear the sinuses.
Tuna melt and tomato soup
Dandelion Root Tea 🙂
I like cream of wheat.
Chicken noodle soup
Korean dumpling soup
hot green tea
Usually some lemon lime soda or some toast.
I love orange sherbert.
I like ginger ale
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
My favorite treat when I am not feeling well is jello, cherry is my favorite.
smoothies and ice cream
My favorite is ginger ale.
Congratulations! You've won! Blogher will be in touch shortly.
My favorite treat is something my Mum used to make – macaroni with milk.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
when i'm feeling sick there's nothing like wonton soup. It tastes good and so soothing
teechbiz at gmail dot comm
Ice cream for sure – thank you!
I love a tasty smoothie with some Emergen C mixed in lol 🙂
Chicken noodle soup
Homemade chicken noodle soup.
favorite treat is popcorn for the salt
Freeze Pops!!
hot tea
Thanks! Janna JOhnson jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on gfc
A bowl of rice is nice.
I like ginger ale and chicken noodle or chicken rice soup
I like to drink ginger ale. It settles a queasy stomach.
My sons like hot chocolate w/ whipped cream
homemade chocolate chip cookies
My favorite is the old standby of chicken noodle soup.
Chicken noodle soup
my favorite treat would be cheesecake
My favorite treat when I'm sick is ice cream.
Banana ice cream
Chicken noodle soup.
I like milkshakes!
I want hot herbal tea and Ritz crackers.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
A warm bath & Hot Chicken Noodle Soup. kari_944(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love a nice hot soup when I am under the weather.
aleksnearing gmail com
ginger ale and tomato soup w/ crackers
Chicken soup and jello.
We like chicken soup
My favorite treat is ice cream
I like chicken noodle soup.
Ice cream.
Wonton soup and hot tea.
Crackers, toast with butter and ginger ale.
Popsicles or other icy treat… and homemade chicken soup always hits the spot.
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
I have to have Won Ton Soup
I like to have Sprite when I am feeling bad. I also like green tea with honey because it helps.