This is another project just like yesterday’s that came from my “Gifts for Dudes” brainstorm session, and once again, it will work for absolutely anyone. But what really inspired this tote bag is Bear. He will not carry a bag. He’ll carry a laptop bag if necessary, but otherwise he’ll just toss things loose in his car, he’ll stuff his pockets, he’ll do without, but he won’t carry a tote. This frustrates me to no end because if we’re together, it means his junk gets put in my bag. I wanted to make this tote to encourage him to carry his own dang stuff, but also to celebrate anyone out there who is caring enough about the environment to use totes instead of worrying about how cool they look.
This is a simple freezer paper stencil technique, which is one of my mainstays. It is so very simple and so very effective. You just need a surface to stencil – a tote bag in this case – freezer paper, and paint. It has to be freezer paper (which you’ll find next to the tinfoil) because that has a wax coating on one side that will melt into the fabric just enough to hold it locked in to place.
To make my stencils I just work up my image on the computer and print it out. Then I tape that print out on top of the freezer paper, and use an exacto knife to cut through both layers of paper. Make sure you save the insides of all those letters because you’ll need those to make the stencil look right.
Use a hot dry iron to affix the stencil to the tote bag. Those tiny little centers can be tricky, but you’ll want to take care to get those good and stuck. Your image will come out so much cleaner if you do.
Then just paint your image. I use regular acrylic craft paint and I never bother with any of those fabric mediums. Especially not with a tote bag that doesn’t require flexibility. When the paint is dry give it a good iron to really heat set that paint in place.
Not only is this a great project for anyone, but it’s a great super last minute gift. Depending on how handy you are with your exacto knife, you could have this project done and wrapped in a couple of hours. Now that I think about it, this would be a fantastic teacher’s gift too. Every teacher I know has to carry mountains of books and papers around, and if it’s an English teacher, you know they’ll enjoy the pun.
튬볢뗻좱쪻폇틐떻ꏣ늬릻쯽컻좪뿋뫭ꏱ떬늹뮻볡 得了癫痫病能治愈吗 뫇훞맷ꎫ횬펻싐룔컐잯냼쇕ꇋꆣනഊ †ꄠꏅꆡනഊ †쬠죯떨쇣뗋췣ꎷ쮬쿻퓖뛚쇔뇵트펲뗐쓣냑ꏬ쮬뇻삾튴뾲슼뫇쇍뇵붸쏡ꏋ횬뎧쇖컹뺪횣쓝ꏁ햬퇢룹럼뫻뷏뚭삫틻ꏦ떬첫ퟬ틓뻑늭럡쇢귵칚뺪횣쓝ꏁ햬뻢듍싲쇒쯋뗻별믆ꎮ솬쮬틻늲횻뢪퓃쏵펴뚦쇔뇵솸ꇋඣഊ †ꄠ뮰펹쫐쎲쪴싂ꏰꆿනഊ †혠룮좪뎡쇶랽탢ꏅ톬떹짍틹뗴ꏀꆺ뒰쇓뇵쒸샇ꏯ캬뎢횼떪쇀틋뢻쳶듬뗳쏄쏘ꏜ캬뎢늼뢻틒싾훷맷ꎫ솬귵⹚⸮븮좹ꆻ뺢좹쪻볇쏙떰쇄뇵훭횮ꆶꆣනഊഊ딊㋚㔹싕퐠킸좧슮훭삮ഊ젊캫ퟄ룖탼ꏂ咬员싏�ꆾ�쮡욵쫯₿瑨灴⼺眯睷砮㝳⸴潣⽭††낡뗋닊듃뾣놡믃탓ꯈ꺶ꫨ낻탖껖겣풳ꪾ�엗ꫨꎡ††낡ꋎ벳쟊
勾勾地盯着拎在手指间晃动的酒瓶,说:“你一定想知道,我为什么会欠了这么多债吧. 这一次击溃乌桓不仅解决了他的后顾之忧 …..” 热门话题 这是一个并不复杂的故事。 在一年前的一次任务中,她遭遇了重大失利,整个小队全军覆没,只有她一个人活了下来。余英男认为是自己的责任才导致了这样的惨烈后果,于是在接下来的半年中,她一一找到了战死队员的家人,把他们送去后方比较安全的城市,并给那些家庭留下了足够度日的钱。 这些队员的一些适龄孩子,以及余英男自己的一个幼年弟弟,则生活在暗血城里,正在接受一些基础的战技训练。 杜大海不仅是他麾下最强的战士之一 就这样,余英男不仅花光了多年出生入死的积蓄,还欠下了天蛇一大笔钱。如果与天蛇彻底翻脸,她担心天蛇会对昔日战友的家人不