Because I didn’t have enough going on in my life, I have gone insane and decided to join up with the NaBloPoMo crowd. NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month, a blogging addict’s answer to NaNoWriMo where people even crazier than…
What I’m Eating – Edamame
Edamame is the immature bean inside a soypod. If these little guys had been left alone they would have grown up to be tofu, but in their current state they’ll be my lunch. I buy packs of frozen edamame at…
2011 Year of Pleasures #41
I’ve been waiting on a bunch of packages lately, and everything just happened to arrive on the same day. I opened my front door and it was like Christmas morning and I had been a very good girl.
Skeleton Crew Cross Stitch Finish
All of my OCD struggles over the last few months have proven productive in exactly one respect. My crosstitching has gotten a lot of attention. Here’s how it looked the last time I showed it off, when I only had…
Pumpkin Crafting disaster
Just in case you thought that every idea I have works out the first time I try it, I present the following Halloween tale… All around the crafty blogging world I’ve been seeing pumpkins covered in some cool object or…
Every Day Eyeliner
I’m participating in BlogHer’s Life Well Lived series, and this week’s question is:What do you think is the hardest makeup trick to master and what are your tips for achieving it? For years I had the hardest time applying eyeliner…
2011 Year of Pleasures #39
You guys. I barely had the willpower to put this down long enough for a picture. Oh man, is this yummy. Bear bought me this little candy bar size at Cost Plus Imports, but they also had a big gift…
What I’m Eating – Pickled Tomatoes
I made these pickled green tomatoes in my canning frenzy of last year. I ended up with a TON of green tomatoes and not enough time to wait around for them to ripen, so I searched through the internet for…
2011 Year of Pleasures #38
When Clif and I came across this store on the pier at Fisherman’s wharf, we both busted up laughing. Cartoons are real, y’all.
Tourist in my own town
I’m playing catch up over here, getting to the blog late, racing home to meet the school bus as it waited in front of my house, skipping nap time because I’ve got stuff to do and Atti is content with…