There’s a little birds nest that hangs under the eaves of my roof. When I first saw it I thought that I would have to find a way to move it, due to the enormous pile of bird poo that…
Grammar police
Bear and I were watching TV the other night, and a laundry detergent commercial came on. It was very retro and showed all the generations of women who have been doing laundry, with the dress and the basement décor changing…
I’m a big believer in the theory that some books come to us when we need them. It’s happened over and over again in my life; lessons come from literature for me. This weekend as I was whimpering in pain…
To Do List
Here’s one of the many reasons why I am stressed almost literally out of my mind: It goes to three pages on legal sized paper. And while some of the things on the list have since fallen way way down…
This is it…
We signed all our loan documents on Saturday, we did our final walkthrough on Monday night, we wired the money off on Tuesday, and as soon as I leave work I’m meeting Bear at our new house where the keys…
Thrift Store Finds
Like most crafty bloggers, I adore a good thrift store. Growing up, that’s the only shopping we ever did. Every back to school season meant trips to Value Village and St Vincent DePaul. I remember how mad I got once…
Flower fields
This is how I spent my weekend: These are Giant Tecolote Ranunculus…es. Ranunculi? I had actually never seen these flowers in person before, but apparently the farm here in Carlsbad grows like 90% of these flowers in the country. They…
Furniture Shopping
I’ve been spending every waking moment thinking about this house. Which is pretty obvious from the state of my blog. And since the loan stuff is just stressful, most of that thinking is about the interior design. I haven’t quite…
As promised…
Here’s my new house! First of all, there is no carpet in the entire house. Hooray! The previous owners had a puppy that peed all over the place, so they replaced all the flooring. Those boxes by the front door…
Friday on hiatus
I Can Make that Friday will be postponed this week. Saturday will be spent doing out home inspection, so I have to sharpen my pencils, charge up the camera, and get the graph paper ready. How I’ll get to sleep…