My little guy is so dang cute in his 11th Doctor get up that I think I might turn him into one of those little dandies that wears fancy pocket squares everywhere he goes. With how adorable kids clothes have…
Frankenstein Monster Crispies
I’m a little too excited about the fact that for the first time ever, I get to bring snacks to Atti’s classroom for the holiday. Oh, all the years I’ve read blogs and pined away for all the amazing things…
Doctor Who Family Halloween Costume
This might not mean anything to you at first glance, but if it does mean something to you, it REALLY means something to you. While Atti is young enough to let us get away with it, we love dressing up…
Bat Garland
It took me a little longer this year, but I finally got all my Halloween decorations up. I’ve got quite a few new projects to show you, and next week will be stuffed with Halloween costume ideas, but I thought…
New Table Refinishing
Long term obsessive readers or midcentury wonks might remember this great little table I picked up off of Craigslist. I’ve been meaning to refinish it for years and I finally got around to doing it with family coming in to…
Green T-Shirt and Cardigan
This is Simplicity 0493. I normally avoid sewing knits, I have never gotten my serger to love me back and Tim Gunn would totally bust me on my wavy hems, but this green jersey was so soft and such an…
Calendar Corkboard
Remember those pushpins I got a couple weeks ago, just because they were cheap and I loved them? Since I’m such a clutter-phobe, I had to come up with a place to use them, so I made myself a corkboard…
Floral Shift Dress with added Va Va Voom
Style icon Joan Holloway would totally wear this dress on her Florida vacation. The pattern is Butterick B5414, and is meant to be a pretty straight cut A line shift dress. But if you are large breasted, straight cuts tend…
Indoor Swing for Therapy
Every kid deserves a swing, and this version can be used inside or even moved for people like us who live in a rental. Atti’s favorite activity in therapy, hands down, is getting to go on the swing. That was…
Elastic Waist Skirt
I had this fabric in my stash, meaning to make some piece of clothing out of it, and once I evaluated my style and realized that I really need to be wearing more skirts, I thought a simple every day…